When the DiRUG came into force on 1 August 2022, companies will no longer have
to submit their accounting documents and company reports for financial years beginning
after 31 December 2021 to the Federal Gazette but directly to the Company register.
Associated with the change of the disclosure medium is the obligation for
a one-time electronic identity check for the transmitters of the documents subject
to disclosure. Without electronic identification, no more data transmissions to the
Company register can be made as of 1 August 2022.
Do not wait until the day of transmission to identify yourself. Start now with
the one-time identification as authorised to transmit.
Non-compliance with this legal regulation – lack of identification –
can ultimately lead to a failure to disclose and the threat of administrative fine
Further information
If you have any questions regarding identification, please contact our service
0 800 - 1 23 42 09 (Mon-Fri from 8 am to 6:30 pm, free of charge from
the German landline network).
From abroad:
+49 2 21/9 76 68-8400 (chargeable)