General terms and conditions and prices

Insofar as the publisher’s websites carry the terms and conditions or other information in various language versions, only the respective German version shall be deemed valid, in particular for the interpretation and analysis of the formulations in use. Other language versions (translations) must be regarded purely as a service the publisher has chosen to provide.


General Terms and Conditions for Paid Submission for Publication in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette]

General Terms and Conditions for deposition at a fee of annual financial statements documentation against payment (micro enterprises)

General Terms and Conditions of Business for the Fee-Based Publication of Investmentfondspreise [Investment Fund Prices] in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette] and Placement in Fondsdata

General Terms and Conditions for paid publications of Netto-Leerverkaufspositionen [net short selling positions] in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette]

Dissemination service

General Terms and Conditions for the Verbreitungsdienst [Dissemination Service] under Section 121, Para. 4a of the Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG)

Exemplary Legal Procedures Register - Proceedings starting 01/09/2024

General Terms and Conditions for the Exemplary Legal Procedures Register

Litigation Register - Cases starting 01/11/2012

General Terms and Conditions for Fee-Based Publications in the Klageregister [Complaint Registry] of the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette]

Litigation Register - Cases until 31/10/2012

General Terms and Conditions for Fee-Based Publications in the Klageregister [Complaint Registry] of the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette]

Shareholder Forum

General Terms and Conditions for the ‘Aktionärsforum’ [Shareholder Forum] in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette]

General Terms and Conditions for Subscription to the Info Service “Aktionärsforum” [Shareholder Forum]

Company Register

General terms of use for the Company Register

Fees and charges for the transmission of documents to the Company register

Info Service

General Terms and Conditions for the Information Service Offer from the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette]