Questions and answers

If you have a question and can't find the answer in this area, contact our service: 0 800 - 1 23 43 39 (Mon–Fri from 8 am until 6:30 pm&#160, free from German landlines).
From outside Germany: +49 2 21/9 76 68-0 (not free).

As to the interpretations of law that are presented on this page, we would like to point out that they are not legally binding and that the courts have final say.


You can find an overview of all questions about registration here:

To questions and answers

Submission of annual financial statements

You can find an overview of questions about submitting annual financial statements here:

To questions and answers

Submitting for third parties

You can find an overview of questions about submitting for third parties here:

To questions and answers

Orders to the Federal Gazette

You can find an overview of questions abour order processing here:

To questions and answers

Orders to the Company Register

You can find an overview of questions about orders to the Company Register here:

To questions and answers

Annual financial statement: How it’s done

In 4 steps to the publication of your annual statement in the Federal Gazette.


Work aids

Model drafts, documentations and technical standards assist you with the transmission of your orders.
